Performersion: The Full Programme!
"Immersion" is a term that's gaining more and more traction in recent times. Along with developers of new technologies, the performing arts are increasingly involved with creating immersive experiences, which allow users to dive into creations. This shared interest is the foundation of the new cooperation between re:publica and LAFT Berlin's Performing Arts Programm . Together, they look to explore the interface between technology and performing arts by bringing together actors, pioneers, performers with hackers and developers.
The result: "Performersion – Days of Performance and Immersive Arts". Taking place 5 – 6 May 2016 at Kühlhaus Berlin, Performersion features unique workshops and labs, as well as inspiring talks and performances. The days will be filled with various labs and workshops hosted by artists and performers, including Gob Squad, She She Pop, LiCHTPiRATEN, VRNERDS, The Constitute, machina eX and many more. The Constitute will explore the potentials of 360 degree cameras, She She Pop examines the human form and projections, Sara Lisa Vogl (VRNERDS) guides us through the magical world of the Tiltbrush, while Internil and Hylynyiv Lyngyrkz will flip motion capture on its head and transfer human movement back into physical form.
Results of all these explorations and discoveries will be presented in the afternoons and evenings. Performances, artist lectures, researchers and developers will showcase new strategies, reflect on and imagine new storytelling through a digital vocabulary. Constanze Kurz (CCC, will talk about the necessity of ethical standards in the field of immersive media, while Jan-Keno Janssen ('ct, Heise online) and Kathrin Passig will highlight fears associated with virtual realities. Sarah Thom and Sharon Smith (Gob Squad), together with Christian Römer (Heinrich Böll Foundation) and Dr. Thomas Oberender (Berliner Festspiele), will discuss which institutions would benefit from artistic productions for new digital spaces. Sergiu matis, Hyoung-Min Kim and others will present excerpts from current productions and performances between all of the sessions and panels.
The Prinzip Gonzo collective will collaborate with coder Markus Schubert (TOTO) and OMNIDOME to create a unique immersive performance for Performersion.
Two other highlights are connected to the event programme. The floors above the stage on the ground floor will feature an exciting showcase of VR projects, brought to you by the Erste Deutsche Fachverband für Virtual Reality (EDFVR) (more on our cooperation here). "The Doghouse" is a project by Danish collective Makropol, which has designed a Lars von Trier-style immersive scenario with VR glasses. Outside of the Kühlhaus you will find the Shared_Studios "Portals" installation. Made out of shipping containers, visitors can virtually meet other portal users across the globe, including in Herat (Afghanistan), Havanna, Kigali (Rwanda) and Nairobi, and connect with them. Slots can be reserved on the Shared_Studios website. Its founder, Amar Bakshi is also a speaker at this year's re:publica.
Performersion Online
The art and text collective International Notice will accompany the festival online and will publish content-focused texts on the Performersion website "Material". These will include interviews with some of the key actors, including the makers of Omnidome, on "social immersion". The authors will also highlight overarching topics such as cyborgs and the interfaces of technology and performance visuals.
Come to Performersion and dive into a wonderful world of immersive technologies and performances! Performersion can also be found on Facebook and Twitter updates can be found at #performersion.
--- enabled by the support of Lotto Stiftung Berlin
Performersion: 5 & 6 May 2016
5. May: 13:00 - 21:30 & 6. May: 13:00 - 19:00
Kühlhaus, Luckenwalderstr 3, 10963 Berlin (Map).
Entry to workshops, labs and stages are free. Those interested in attending workshops need to register on Eventbrite and sign up here.
Photo by Robin Junicke